Index : Term Component Section

Term Component Section


One of the morphemic elements, words, or contiguous strings from which a polynomial term is formed.

In some languages, such as German or English, it is frequently unnecessary to distinguish information about the individual components making up a polynomial term. In other languages, such as French or Spanish, it is important to be able to include information such as gender for the individual words used in constructing a multiword term because this information is necessary when using the term in texts.

Box and line representation of Term Component Section

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[Box and line representation of Term Component Section]

Expandable portions of the diagram: noteLinkInfo basicText

NOTE: The boxes labeled noteLinkInfo and basicText represent entities and not elements. Treat them as short hand for a collection of elements.

Example in DXLT

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<termCompList type="termElements">
		<termNote type="grammaticalGender">feminine</termNote>
		<termNote type="partOfSpeech">preposition</termNote>
		<termNote type="grammaticalNumber">plural</termNote>
		<termNote type="grammaticalGender">feminine</termNote>