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Translation Research Group
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Last updated: January 27, 2001

The Machine Readable Terminology Interchange Format (MARTIF)

Putting Complexity in Perspective

TermNet News 54/55 (1996)

Alan K. Melby, Klaus-Dirk Schmitz, Sue Ellen Wright


  1. The MARTIF Concept
  2. MARTIF-Related Criticisms and Controversies

  3. Figure 1: Sample MARTIF Document
  4. Conflicting Views on the Complexity of the MATIF Standard

  5. 3.1 Data Category Proliferation
    Figure 2: Sample Data Model 1
    3.2 Data Category Variation
    Figure 3: Sample Data Model 2
    Figure 4: Sample Data Model 3
    3.3 Generic Identifiers and Compound Tags
    3.4 Embedding and GI Behavior
    Figure 5a: Flat SGML Representation
    Figure 5b: MARTIF Representation
  6. Negotiated Interchange vs. Blind Interchange—Multi-level Solutions

  7. Level 1: negotiated MARTIF
    Level 2: partially blind
    Level 3: totally blind
  8. Broader Interchange Evironment
  9. Building Black Boxes in Several Shades of Gray
  10. Conclusion


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