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Copyright © 2000
Translation Research Group
Send comments to comments@ttt.org
Last updated: January 27, 2001

Applications of the CLS Framework: Representation: Example

The following example shows how the structure of an existing termbase can be analyzed and represented using the CLS Framework

Sample Oracle termbase entry: 32, Financials, ,Standard, accounting period, Approved, The periods which make up your fiscal year. You depreciate assets each period., Számviteli idõszak

Each entry consists of the following eight fields:

  1. Entry-number (a unique number that identified the entry). In the sample data, the entry number is a positive integer.
  2. Subject field. In the sample data, the subject fields used are "financials" and "manufacturing".
  3. Product (the name of the product to which the concept applies). In the sample data, no term is restricted to a particular product, so this field is empty.
  4. Term type (an indication of the type of the English term). In the sample data, each term is of type "standard", which is taken to mean it is a full form, as opposed to an abbreviation.
  5. English term
  6. Status (an indication of the administrative status of the Hungarian term). In the sample data, the status of each term is "approved".
  7. Definition (a definition in English of the concept)
  8. Hungarian term

Information in parantheses in the above list is explanation based on a TRG analysis of the data. These explanations need to be reviewed by Oracle corporation.

In the Oracle data, the box and line diagram is as follows:

NOTE: The numbers in the graphic correspond to the numbers of the data fields listed above.

This representation does not take into account global information or shared references. It shows only the structure of the Oracle data entry.


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